2014 #2


ISSN 2225-7330

CONTENT ISSUE — 2014, # 2


N.YSinyagina, E.GArtamonova
From the development of new pedagogical thinking — to the search for the progressive forms of education and upbringing. P. 6.


A.I. Podolskji, O.A. Idobaeva
Prospects of the P. Galperin psychological concept in personality development and education. P. 8-14.
The article discusses theoretical and methodological problems related to one of the main aspects of the application of the P. Galperin concept — its application in the practice of education. It describes an experience of the discipline design based on the methodological background of the Galperin’s theory of the planned stage-by-stage formation. Authors designed the course «Health Psychology» that contributes to the emergence of a fundamentally new orientation in the subject of health psychology and to building of individual orientation schemes by students to address their own psychological and physical well-being.
Key words: P. Galperin psychological concept, methodology of planned stage-by-stage formation, health psychology, development of personality.

N.Y. Sinyagina
Multicultural interaction: need and diagnostics possibility. P. 15-22.
The article addresses the issues of multicultural education from the standpoint of constructive interaction organization on the basis of multicultural dialogue. It analyzes the experience of foreign researchers. And examines the current social and political trends shaping the public consciousness. Particular focus is on the problem of international communication among youth. The article describes the diagnostic capabilities of interethnic communication in the educational environment.
Key words: national, cultural identity, multicultural interaction, interethnic interaction, intercultural dialogue, youth  environment, diagnostics.

Т.Y. Bogacheva
Multicultural shock: study and overcoming. P. 23-27.
The article deals with multicultural interaction. Study of problems in interpersonal situations falling into a new socio-cultural environment is conducted among students who are enrolled in an American college. The study is aimed at exploring the adaptation of foreign students in the U.S. environment, the identification of factors affecting the expression of a culture shock, identifying ways to prevent culture shock. The article discusses the symptoms, stages and the positive effects of culture shock. The results of the survey are presented. A new concept, based on the results of the research, — «multicultural shock» is being created.
Key words: youth, students, culture, multicultural interaction, interpersonal conflict, culture shock, adaptation, multicultural shock.

Paul Dingman
Engineering and technology degrees in the United States of America. P. 28-34.
The article focuses on how to complete 4-year Engineering and technology Bachelor of Science degrees in the US by using the description of a set of courses of one particular university as examples. Oregon Institute of Technology specializes in undergraduate Bachelor of Science degree programs in many different fields such as Electrical Engineering, Computer Systems Technology, Information Technology, and other technical specialties. Bachelor of Science degree programs in Engineering across the United States tend to have similar requirements for graduation and this example shows what can be achieved. Standardized vocabulary that would be used in a US academic situations is presented and used for the reader’s benefit. Numbers indicating academic work loads are used to compare the completion times. Some of the standardized concepts.
Key words: credit hours, semester hours, quarter hours, required courses, elective courses, social science credits, humanities credits and general education requirements.


Yuri Viktorovich Sinyagin. Stories from history (Ulyanovsk period). P. 36-40.

On the anniversary! P. 40-46.

Going through a family album... P. 46.


G.Y. Belyaev, A.V. Belyaeva
Problem of creating a healthy lifestyle as a value model of education (HLS-model), corresponding to modern social situation. P. 48-54.
This article describes the relevance of a value model of education based on system theoretical notions about healthy lifestyle (HLS-education model in middle and high schools). It reveals discrepancies between the immediate requirements of the current social situation, the required image of a modern graduate schools and universities, and "educational negligence" under conditions of low cultural level of environment around the children and poor literacy of parents and educators in the field of health and education. Reviewing the intermediate results of their monitoring, the authors define the connection of theory and practice of education in terms of health, healthy lifestyle, indicating some tasks and prospects of this model of education corresponding to the contemporary social situation.
Key words: health, healthy lifestyle, health and its components, socialization, theory of education, schoolchildren, students, HLS-education model, social situation.

Z.N. Leonova
Impact of the educational process on the socialization of the graduate of foster care center temporary stay office. P. 55-59.
Article raises the issue of socialization of graduates of temporary stay offices in foster care centers. Educational process as a method of forming qualities and personality traits necessary for successful socialization of young people able to solve problems, find a way in different life situations, and make appropriate socially acceptable decisions. The article gives examples of educational activities to ensure implementation of the tasks to build a successful socialization of students of temporary stay offices in foster care centers.
Key words: educational process, orphanhood, a graduate of temporary stay, caregiver, interaction, pedagogical influence, impact, cooperation, socialization.

Family club. P. 60-63.
This release of the «Family Club» addresses the following issues:
- development of abilities (personal characteristics, diagnosis, educational environment, the support of parents, teachers and interaction with peers);
- preparing for school (educational games, fostering the skills, formation of interests, development of volitional function);
- child and the computer (benefit and harm for children's development and health, time allowed, the subject of programs and rules of work on computer);
- internal biological clock (individual characteristics, rules of the organization of work, the periods of greater and lesser efficiency).
Key words: ability, talent, personality development, game, education, willpower, health, working ability. 


A.V. Kungurov
Musical memory and methods of memorizing musical pieces. P. 66-75.
Article is devoted to musical memory and methods of learning pieces of music by performers on various musical instruments and by vocalists. The article describes in details the types of memory and their importance in the process of working on a piece of music. It provides the author's methods of work on a piece of music in the process of memorizing a musical piece.
Key words: musical memory, musical ability, memorization techniques.

E.P. Voropaev
Wave motion in artistic practice. P. 76-86.
The paper deals with the physiological mechanisms, poorly studied in music and theater pedagogy. It is shown that the moving wave, which always helped a person to solve complex problems of existence in the world, also helps to solve the problems of professional artists, though in the works of art theorists it is not reflected enough. Variants of using materials of a number of sciences, which can enrich the technical arsenal of an artist and discover new ways to overcome professional challenges, are proposed. Specifically, the  parallels are drwan between the understanding of so-called power motor waves, discussed by N. Bernstein, and reactive, inertial processes in musculoskeletal apparat of an artist. The article also specified the conditions of an experiment, which was conducted by the author within the course of several years with various artistic groups and performers. The experiment is aimed at implementating and testing  methods designed to enrich the practice of artistic activity.
Key words: wave, wave motion, agility, psychology and pedagogy of art.


V.V. Kamyshyn
A multiplicative approach to the integral evaluation of students' academic achievement level in the "lighter" ECTS scale. P. 88-100.
The definition of integral estimate of students' academic achievement level, remarkable feature of which is emergency, is considered to be the one-step problem of making a decision with vector index of effectiveness. The aggregation of personal academic data is proposed to make with a multiplicative function of Harrington. This function has a possibility of only comparative compensation of bigger and smaller values. That leaves  the  finding the geometric average, the test-control results, or the coefficient of preferred grades of the "lighter" ECTS scale, defined by prioritization method.
Key words: students’ academic achievement level, integral estimation, multiplicative function of aggregation, preferred grade coefficient of ECTS scale,  knowledge test result, qualimetry.

G.D. Pavlova, R.M. Almakaeva
Master class "Ecological Laboratory". P. 101-106.
Article presents author's work in the organization of ecological education in schools by means of extracurricular education. This work is shown in class, built in a master class format, on manufacturing of environmentally friendly soap by students. The class is aimed at deepening the knowledge about the ecology, in particular, about the properties of soap and water. The class presents the data on environmental protection measures,  environmental situation in general and its impact on human health. The work is aimed at drawing adolescents' attention to environmental problems of in the region. This work forms a responsible attitude to the nature of his native land, conservation of nature, ecology and health.
Key words: extracurricular education, ecological education, master class, environmental laboratory, water protection activities, environment, health.

V.V. Pchelinova
Personal development of psychology students (visual internet sources; advisory model of personal and professional development). P. 107-117.
The article describes the experience of building and teaching learning material in the course «Topical problems of modern developmental psychology» based on the presentation of visual Internet sources, that reflect person's life in a holistic way and consultative model of personal and professional development, used in actual professional counseling practice to psychology students. Consultative model of personal and professional development is a structured description of a dynamic sequence of genesis: eight-factor composition of driving forces (situations) that generates maturity (acceleration, deceleration) of new psychological matters and achievements complexes (productive, unproductive) on eight stages of human life,  graphically displayed within the oral question-answer logic consultative process for illustrative and explanatory purposes.
Key words: visual Internet sources, the advisory model of personal and professional development, stages and factors in the situation of personal development, study course.

I.V. Pestovskaya
"Undiscovered Islands": building of upbringing component development program. P. 118-124.
Topical problem of constructing an educational component  development program can be solved with cooperation of research and practice. Such cooperation enables taking into account the full constructive experience that exists in this area. The article describes an example of the organization of expert work on forming the content of programs for education and socialization of students of special educational institutions. It also discribes the logic and structure of the system-forming type of educational activities and justifies its choice.
Key words: teenager with deviant behavior, socialization, upbringing, upbringing component, upbringing activities, upbringing system, upbringing  environment, normative behavior, constructive resource.


Works of winners of the nation-wide contest of children's creative works "My Family" in the category "Literary Creativity". P. 126-147.


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